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As in previous years, we at UGA are foregoing larger customer gifts and instead donating to charitable organisations in the region. The "Förderverein des Frauen- und Kinderschutzhauses Heidenheim e.V." and the "Vesperkirche Lichtblicke" each received 1,000 euros.
The Frauen- und Kinderschutzhaus offers protection and a temporary safe place to live. It aims to help affected women and their children in acute emergency situations quickly and unbureaucratically. The work can only be guaranteed if the finances are secured. We are happy to help so that a door is kept open for women and children in need.
The ökonomische Vesperkirche organises a Christmas festivity for people in need, with shared meals and conversation. In view of the current challenges that have left many people in financial difficulties, it is even more important that the doors of the Vesperkirche are open to all people. We would like to thank all the volunteers who make this project possible and are happy to support with a donation for the food.